Discover the Freedom of
Contact Lenses

Imagine wearing contact lenses designed to fit your lifestyle. Lens technology has advanced so there are now more options than ever to provide healthy, comfortable and convenient vision correction for virtually everyone.

Some of the latest improvements include:

– Contacts designed to be replaced with a fresh new pair daily

– Contacts that even correct astigmatism

– Multi-focal contacts that correct distance and near vision simultaneously

– Specialized lens designs for more complex situations

Even if you’ve previously been told you were not a candidate for contacts, recent developments may allow us to provide you a new opportunity. Which contact lens is right for you? Our team of experts are waiting to help you discover the the freedom of contact lenses.

Please visit our website to learn about the latest innovations in contact lenses. To help you get started, use the certificate at the bottom of this message for 50% savings on your personalized contact lens fitting fee.


Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness among Americans who are age 65 and older.

There are two types of macular degeneration: Ninety percent of people with macular degeneration have the dry type. Dry macular degeneration can progress to the second, more severe type, called wet macular degeneration. In the wet type, new, abnormal blood vessels begin to grow toward the macular, causing rapid and severe vision loss.