Get a new look for the upcoming new year. Now is the time to use your remaining flexible spending account (FSA) dollars.  They will expire December 31st. You may be eligible to use it toward exam fees as well as materials fees. Your tax free FSA dollars can be used to purchase updated eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, and even a year supply of contact lenses.

Stop by and let one of our expert opticians help you find the perfect pair of glasses and/or sunglasses for you. To schedule your annual eye exam call (770) 834-0212 or visit to request an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.

As we age the natural lens in the middle of the eye will eventually become cloudy, this is known as a cataract.  Recently several studies have been released showingImage the benefits of cataract surgery for Alzheimer’s patients. Reports show with better vision comes better sleep patterns, less depression, and a better overall mood. Patients studied had mild dementia and at least one significant cataract. A neuropsychologist evaluated patients at their 1 month and 3 month post-operative visits. Mood, behavior, sleep patterns, the ability to function independently, and cognitive abilities were assessed. Results showed an overall increase in mood, recognition, ability to function independently, and sleep patterns.


With the cloudy discoloration present in a cataract, the eye’s natural lens begins to act like a filter causing a decrease in vision, contrast and the overall amount of light entering into the eye. In turn, everyday activities of daily living such as moving about the house, reading, and cooking can become more difficult. Studies have shown those with Alzheimer’s Disease also have difficulty perceiving contrast. Dr Alan Lerner says, “If you can’t perceive something, it is hard to remember it.” A simple statement that is so true. The overall conclusion of the study showed that by improving the ability to perceive, cataract surgery can give an Alzheimer’s patient a better quality of life.  

In 1990, a 5 year-old boy named Leif went blind in one eye because a retinal detachment was detected too late for treatment. He had eye exams yearly but conventional testing was uncomfortable. His father designed the Optomap in order to make retinal examinations more comfortable and accurate.  Recently, Dr Oz featured the Optomap on his show.

 At West Georgia Eye Care, we pride ourselves on being able to properly evaluate your eyes with the latest technology available in order to ensure your eyes are healthy and free of disease.  A thorough screening of the retina is critical to verify that your eye is healthy.  Dilation is the conventional method of examining the retina and is still very useful.  With dilation, only 10-15% of the retina can be viewed at one time.  In addition, dilation leaves you with light sensitivity and blurred near vision for several hours. The Optomap, on the other hand, is able to capture 80% of the retina in one image.  It is quick, painless, and typically does not require dilation drops. 

The Optomap is the preferred method of viewing the retina at WGEC.   In one snapshot we are able to view the optic nerve, macula, and blood vessels of the back of the eye.  The retina is the only place in the body where blood vessels can be viewed directly.  So in addition to eye diseases, signs of other diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease can be detected by viewing the retina.  Request an appointment today for your complete eye health examination.

Have you ever wondered why your glasses are so hard to keep clean, or why your lenses keep getting fine scratches on them? It could be the way that they are being cleaned.

We recommend specific methods to care for your eyewear. First, when cleaning your lenses you should only use recommended spray solutions given to you by your eye care professional. We use a spray that can be used directly on the lenses and cleaned off with a soft cloth. The soft cloth that comes in the case with your eyewear can also be used alone to wipe off the occasional smudge or fingerprint.

If you do not have access to your cleaning cloth and spray cleaner, a special mixture of soap and water can be used to rinse your glasses clean while you are at home or on the go. Just make sure that the soap that you are using does not have a moisturizer in it. It will not harm your lenses, but it will leave a greasy film that will be hard to remove. Also, stay away from abrasive materials when wiping your lenses clean or drying them. Something soft like a cloth diaper is best to use when there is no cleaning cloth.

Lastly, consider the environment that you are in most of the time. If you are working in a dusty environment, you should keep your cleaning cloth away from the dust that can attach to your cleaning cloth and cause fine scratches on your lens. If you don’t have to wear your glasses all the time, remember that the best protection for them is in their case.

For more information on eyewear maintenance, or for a demonstration please stop by our office or watch our youtube video on proper cleaning methods.

Diabetes is becoming more and more prevalent in our country.  Today, 21 million Americans have Diabetes and it is estimated that one third of this population do not even know they have the condition.  During the month of November, West Georgia Eye Care is proud to spotlight the importance of frequent eye exams for individuals with Diabetes and those at risk for this disease.      

Dilated eye exams at appropriate intervals are extremely important for individuals with Diabetes and those at risk for this disease due to the possibility of substantial vision loss with long term uncontrolled Diabetic eye disease.  In these cases of advanced diabetic retinopathy, an individual may have irreversible vision loss or even total blindness as a result.

To avoid these complications to your eyes make sure to include your eye doctor in your team of healthcare professionals and to visit us regularly just as you would with your primary care physician and dentist.  As your eye care team we can often be your first line of detection for diabetes due to the findings of your annual dilated eye exam.

At West Georgia Eye Care we are helping to contribute to a healthier patient population by meeting three specific objectives set by the American Optometric Association and their National Diabetes Month Campaign.  These three vision objectives of the Healthy People 2010 campaign are: to increase the proportion of persons who have a dilated eye examination at appropriate intervals, reduce visual impairment due to diabetic retinopathy, and to increase vision rehabilitation.  
Please call 770-834-0212 or visit  to schedule an appointment  for your comprehensive eye exam.

Retinal detachment is a condition in which the retina (the thin layer of light sensitive tissue on the back wall of the eye) pulls away from its support tissue. Symptoms include, rapid flashes of light, a sudden dramatic increase in the number of floaters, or a curtain or veil blocking vision. Retinal detachment is an emergency and requires immediate attention. Initial detachment may be localized but without rapid treatment, the entire retina could detach causing irreversible blindness.

 Treatment for retinal detachment depends upon the severity. Many detachments are treated with laser. In other, more severe cases, extensive surgery must be performed.    

Am I at risk? Everyone is at risk; retinal detachments can happen to anyone and can be spontaneous. However, if you are very nearsighted, have a family history of detachments, or have had previous head trauma, you are at higher risk. By minimizing exposure to activities with a high potential for head trauma, or activities that can increase pressure within or on the eye, you can decrease your odds of detachment.          

Have your eyes regularly examined and never ignore warning signs of a retinal detachment. The sooner you seek medical help, the greater the chance of saving your vision. If you suddenly notice flashes of light, an increased number of floaters, or a curtain blocking your vision please call us at (770) 834-0212 immediately.  If you reach a recording, please leave an emergency message.

How to Pass Your Eye Exam

September 28, 2011

Annual Eye ExamWhich is better one or two, three or four?  For some, these words cause a sudden panic and what might be called, test anxiety.  The pressure to get the “right” answer can be overbearing at times, but an eye exam should not be stressful.  Here are a few tips to help you get through your next examination without breaking a sweat.

 At West Georgia Eye Care our goal each day is to make all patients feel at home while providing great care.  Rule number one for a great exam is to relax.  At WGEC, the Optomap Retinal Evaluation is typically the first test you will encounter; the purpose of the Optomap is to obtain an image of the retina.  In other words, we’re taking a picture, so open your eyes wide and say “cheese”. Retinal detachments along with other retinal disease can be diagnosed with the help of the Optomap.

 Rule number two is relax.  The next several tests will make measurements of your eyes to help determine your prescription, among other things.  All you have to do is look at an image in a machine.  Easy, right?

The last part of the examination is determining your prescription and evaluating your eye health.  The doctor will use all the information from the previous tests to fine-tune your prescription.  Your eyes will be evaluated on how well they focus and work together.  During this portion it is important to keep your eyes relaxed, don’t try to make your eyes focus on the letters.  So the answer to “which is better”,  is the lens that is clearest to you.  There is no “right” answer.’

As doctors, prescribing glasses and contact lenses is important, but your eye health is without a doubt, the biggest concern.  Your eyes will be carefully examined from the front of the cornea to the optic nerve and macula in the back of the eye.  Cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration are just a few things that can be diagnosed when evaluating eye health.    After reviewing all findings, any questions you may have will be answered.  Then it is time to have some fun and select glasses or contact lenses. 

Hopefully, this will help to ease your test anxiety and make your next eye exam at West Georgia Eye Care a breeze.

On September 22, 2011, Dr Rothschild had the priviledge of speaking to the Carrollton Lions Club.  He chose to speak about eye safety in the work place.   Dr Rothschild emphasized the importance of not only protecting the eye from debris and chemicals, but also from eye strain and fatigue caused from excessive computer use.  Thank you, Carrollton Lions Club for having Dr Rothschild.

We have enjoyed getting to know Dr. Carter. Click here to watch this video from her.

We are happy to announce the addition of Jennifer Carter, O.D. to the professional staff at West Georgia Eye Care. Her clinical experience and compassionate methods add yet another component to the available services from our team. We are excited to have her at West Georgia Eye Care.

To make an appointment with Dr. Carter visit our website at